Hoje, amigo Zuck realizou mais uma rodada de perguntas e respostas. Ele é sempre meio durengo nas hora de responder. Muito diplomático, correto, com um senso de humor sem graça. Mas tanta gente interessante apareceu para fazer as perguntas que o negócio ficou divertido. Jeff Jarvis (já escrevi sobre ele aqui e aqui), perguntou sobre o papel do Facebook no jornalismo e sobre o Instant Articles.

Stephen Hawking falou sobre sua teoria de tudo.  Arnold Schwarzenegger perguntou se Zuck malhava (e algo mais!). Das mais de 35 mil questões, seguem as melhores:

Jeff Jarvis – What do you think Facebook’s role is in news? I’m delighted to see Instant Articles and that it includes a business model to help support good journalism. What’s next?

Mark Zuckerberg – People discover and read a lot of news content on Facebook, so we spend a lot of time making this experience as good as possible.

One of the biggest issues today is just that reading news is slow. If you’re using our mobile app and you tap on a photo, it typically loads immediately. But if you tap on a news link, since that content isn’t stored on Facebook and you have to download it from elsewhere, it can take 10+ seconds to load. People don’t want to wait that long (…). That’s easy to solve, and we’re working on it with Instant Articles. When news is as fast as everything else on Facebook, people will naturally read a lot more news. (…)

It’s important to keep in mind that Instant Articles isn’t a change we make by ourselves. We can release the format, but it will take a while for most publishers to adopt it. So when you ask about the “next thing”, it really is getting Instant Articles fully rolled out and making it the primary news experience people have.

Stephen Hawking – I would like to know a unified theory of gravity and the other forces. Which of the big questions in science would you like to know the answer to and why?

Mark Zuckerberg – I’m most interested in questions about people. What will enable us to live forever? How do we cure all diseases? How does the brain work? How does learning work and how we can empower humans to learn a million times more? I’m also curious about whether there is a fundamental mathematical law underlying human social relationships that governs the balance of who and what we all care about. I bet there is.

Arnold Schwarzenegger – I always tell people that nobody is too busy to exercise, especially if Popes and Presidents find time. You’ve got to be one of the busiest guys on the planet, and younger generations can probably relate to you more than they can the Pope – so tell me how you find time to train and what is your regimen like? And by the way, will the machines win?

Mark Zuckerberg – Staying in shape is very important. (…) I make sure I work out at least three times a week — usually first thing when I wake up. (…) And no, the machines don’t win.

Aaskash Chaudhary – How will you react if you woke up next morning and there is no Facebook? (SIC)

Mark Zuckerberg – I’d built it.

Jennifer Provan – I would love to ask an intelligent, thought provoking question but alas have none! My 10 year old however wants to ask you what you would take to a desert island with you if you could only take three things (fyi there is no WiFi there so no FB) Thank you!

Mark Zuckerberg – That depends. Have we successfully delivered satellite connectivity through Internet.org yet? Because we’re working on this, and in the not too distant future, I’m pretty sure there will in fact be wifi on that island. In that case, I’ll bring my wife, my dog and my phone. Otherwise, I guess I’d just bring my wife, my dog and a book.

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